IFD Experience

Our programs are tailored for elite athletes looking to advance their skills and future professional playing aspirations.

If you would like us to tailor a program specifically to your goals and availability, please contact us to discuss.

This program is designed to develop your individual abilities in combination with real game experience. We aim to boost your football performance in all areas thus allowing you to take your game to the next level. Being immersed in a professional Portuguese Club is critical to both the programs and your success.


In order to have all of the necessary tools for your development, you will be monitored by our specialized technical department, strength & conditioning department, Mental Coach and Nutritionist. This is a high intensity program that requires full commitment to the process in order to maximize your potential. Training sessions are 5 days per week with Club sessions 3-4 days and league games on the weekend.


All IFD athletes live in student accommodation where they are fully self-sufficient. This includes some meal preparation, personal hygiene, room cleanliness, maintaining your training and educational requirements & timelines. Part of becoming a professional athlete includes self-awareness, responsibility and independence. IFD closely monitor all elements of this as part of the program however our expectation is you behave in a manner that befits a pro.

Find out if you need to apply for a visa before you travel to one of the Schengen States like Portugal.

28 Day Program / Ages 16+

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion.

√  Pro player assessment and recommendations

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.

28 Day Program / Ages 12+

• Includes Daily Chaperone.

• Weekend Events and Activities.

  • 16 Years + Silver
    €4,210 Twin Share
    €5,200 Single

    16 Years + Gold
    €4,980 Twin Share
    €5,936 Single

3 Month Program / Ages 16+

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion.

√  Pro player assessment and recommendations

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.



√  Physical Assessment x 2 (week 1 / week 12)

√  Nutritionist Monitoring

√  Portuguese Basics Language class.

3 Month Program / Ages 12+

• Includes Daily Chaperone.

• Weekend Events and Activities.

  • 16 Years + Silver

    16 Years + Gold

6 Month Program / Ages 16+

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion

√  Physical Assessment x 3 (week 1 / week 12 / week 24)

√  Nutritionist Monitoring

√  Pro player assessment and recommendations

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.



√  Mental Coach player development program.

√  Portuguese Language School – Government registered.

√  Elite Development Lectures, Pro Player Sessions

√  Participate in inter club and friendly matches.

  • 16 Years + Silver

    16 Years + Gold

10 Month ELITE PRO Season / 16 Years +

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion

√  Physical Assessment x 5 (week 1 / week 12 / week 24 / week 36 / week 48)

√  Nutritionist Monitoring and planning

√  Mental Coach player development program.

√  Elite Development Lectures, Pro Player Sessions

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.


√  Full Time Academic Program (University or equivalent) Portuguese Language course.

√  FIFA Registered and Playing with Pro Club – Full Season (must be 18 years of age prior to September 30 in the same year).

  • 16 Years + Silver

    16 Years + Gold

    Full Time Academic / Portuguese Language Course.

48 Month ELITE PRO / Bachelor’s Degree UEFA-B Coaching License / 17 Years +

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion

√  Physical Assessment x 5 (week 1 / week 12 / week 24 / week 36 / week 48)

√  Nutritionist Monitoring and planning

√  Mental Coach player development program.

√  Elite Development Lectures, Pro Player Sessions

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.

√  Full Time Academic Program (University or equivalent) Portuguese Language course.

√  FIFA Registered and Playing with Pro Club – Full Season (must be 18 years of age prior to September 30 in the same year).


√  4 Year Bachelor’s Degree Sports Training and Education / UEFA B Licensed Coach additional fees apply €3,841.20 per annum plus €250.00 once off enrolment fee. Total tertiary education of 3 years €11,523.60 4th year is Club placement as an Intern which will be part of your Pro Club player placement.

  • 17 Years + Silver
    €30,498 Per Annum.

    17 Years + Gold
    €40,800 Per Annum.

    Bachelor’s Degree Sports Training / UEFA-B Licensed Coach.

“Play Pro Europe” Gap Year / Ages 17+

√  Individual Development Training Sessions Monday through Friday

√  Pro Game attendance and review.

√  Team Training with Pro Club appropriate to your level.

√  Accommodation (Pool / Gym / Cinema / games room)

√  Integration with IFD Athletes

√  Self-improvement and independent growth.

√  Verbal review throughout your time.

√  Written review upon completion

√  Physical Assessment x 5 (week 1 / week 12 / week 24 / week 36 / week 48)

√  Nutritionist Monitoring and planning

√  Mental Coach player development program.

√  Elite Development Lectures, Pro Player Sessions

√  High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.

√  Full Time Academic Program (University or equivalent) Portuguese Language course.

√  FIFA Registered and Playing with Pro Club – Full Season (must be 18 years of age prior to September 30 in the same year).

  • 17 Years + €33,800

    (For early registration between January 1st and March 31st, 2024.

Elite Training Camp / 8 - 16 Years

The IFT Elite training camps are the most well-known and intense development program in Portugal.

The Camps run Monday to Friday during the months of June and July and for 2 weeks over the Christmas and Easter breaks.

During your 5 days you will train for 6 hours per day with high level players from around the world.

Every day you will focus on a different aspect where you are put into small groups with top level Coaches.

The pressure is high, the standards are high, and the results are even higher.

Professional youth players from Portugals biggest clubs and global elite players return year after year to sharpen their skills for the season ahead.

Come and test your level - you need to train with the best, to be the best! Contact us for more information.

USA - Showcase

Secure your chance to be assessed by professional Portuguese Coaches and Scouts at one of our pending US showcases.

IFD will be running multiple Pro ID camps where our very own Technical Directors and supporting staff will assess future prospects.

We are looking for players with the ability to play at the highest level whilst fitting the IFD model of Play - Live - Learn.

The Show Case will consist of a presentation on what IFD offer, why we are world class and how we can benefit developing players on their professional journey.

Program: 3 days.

  • 3 x Training session

  • 2 x Games

  • 1 x Meet and Greet

  • 1 x Presentation on IFD

  • 1 x Follow Up review

  • Day/Date: To be announced.

  • Age: 16 – 22

  • Enroll now to secure your spot - you will be contacted with Show Case details once finalized.


Our post graduate educational partner Polytechnic Institute IPMAIA as part of the University of Maia - ISMAI is a European renowned private educational facility.

Here you will find a world class campus with top level education and courses that fit many of our student athletes.

IFD and IPMAIA have collaborated in making available the Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Training and Education along with UEFA-B Coaching License.

This course is a four-year bachelor’s degree (3 plus 1) resulting in qualifications that enable the student athlete to be globally recognized in furthering their footballing opportunity as a staff member for high level clubs or youth academy.

We encourage both the athlete and parents to study what courses are on offer after which we will make the appropriate introductions to our IFD International relations officer.

The program is only open to IFD 12-month Elite Pro athletes where your educational year follows the Footballing calendar with commencement in September through July of the following year.

If you are a 6-month academy participant, you will be enrolled in Portuguese Language school to meet the educational visa requirements.

Any student athletes 16+ who are still in High School we would recommend you enroll in online education to meet your graduation needs.

Technical & Tactical

Focusing on specific methodology, movement and tactical awareness to allow for real time problem solving.

Providing a wider range of playing tools and decision-making capability allows for a more dynamic and creative player. These critical elements are specifically targeted in our technical and tactical development.

Perfecting key movements in continuous exercise patterns provide the technical elements for an increase in the fluidity and dynamics of the player's individual performance.

Through the monitoring of live games and captured video the IFD analysis department carries out a rigorous monitoring of the technical-tactical behavior of the players.

With access to highly sophisticated software players are able to gain insightful real game analysis and video reports for better self-awareness of individual performance and game knowledge.



  • Give more technical resources

  • Provide confidence and motivation

  • Correct technical details

  • Stimulate creativity and fast thinking

  • Individual performance boost

  • Increase perception and knowledge of the game

  • Assimilate individual points of evolution

  • Understand the contextualization of the relationship between the technical and tactical component

Mental Performance Coach

“The Game of Your Life” – This program was created by me after many years of experience as a Professional Soccer Player and many years of study and practice of various Coaching methodologies, it is based on the rigorous method of the “9 steps”, which has proven effectiveness by thousands of people.

It contains NLP techniques, Coaching and lived experiences that allow me to help the player in a process of personal and professional transformation.

Specifically created for Football Professionals who want to improve their performance and results. It is a method in which I look for the player to increase their self-knowledge because this is the basis for improvement.

Through powerful questions and exercises the player is led to stimulate thinking like never before and to access levels of consciousness that allow him to know; where he is and where he wants to go; who he is and who he wants to be; what he has and what he wants to have.

A personalized accompaniment, through the Enneagram, which makes the whole process adjusted to the player's personality so that everything is as fluid as possible.


  • Increased Self-Awareness

  • Performance Improvement

  • Greater focus ability

  • Greater motivation

  • Better emotional management

  • More happiness

  • Greater Clarity of Purpose

Brief History

I've been a Mental Coach for a few years now and I've studied and experimented with various methodologies and techniques over the years, I'm also passionate about life and a dreamer with the mission of helping players to believe in themselves and their potential, thus raising their performance and its results.

I was a professional football player for over 12 years, with stints in various divisions in Portugal and abroad. During my career I had some situations where my mental strength was put to the test (from striking defeats, missed decisive penalties, injuries, layoffs, being away from my family…).

Everything allowed me to grow and develop the resilience necessary to succeed, knowing that success is something very personal and subjective.

What brought me here, to the creation of the program “O Jogo da sua Vida”. This is the program that will make a difference in your life and your career!

Nutrition Department

The nutrition department's main objective is to enhance the qualities of IFD athletes through individual and personalized programs.

Each month our athletes meet with our qualified Nutritionist to assess body composition specific to muscle mass, fat percentage and a total body mass index to height and weight ratio.

To maximize our athlete’s performance a personalized food plan specific to the individual will be implemented.

Nutritional monitoring is essential to reaching and maintaining peak physical performance.

Nutrition Department

  • Nutritional education.

  • Improvement of body composition.

  • Performance optimization.

  • Elimination of possible nutritional deficits.