Frequently asked questions.

  • IFD is looking for serious and talented student-athletes who are committed to their game and their future. IFD is designed for players who can excel at the next level developing in a high tempo European Footballing environment. We demand 100% from our athletes both on and off the pitch.

  • The Elite Pro program is available for players aged 16 - 22 years.

    30 Day and 3 Month programs are 12+ (12+ Programs include Weekend Events and Activities as well as a Daily Chaperone).

    We also welcome teams, or groups, with players of all ages.

    Youth Development Camps are ages 8-16 – Contact us for additional details.

  • The IFD is designed for elite high-potential players. Student-athletes must be able to keep up with all training and competition programs. All players who wish to enter the program must undergo our selection process to be accepted.

  • Yes, IFD is an all-inclusive development program that can accommodate both.

  • To begin the application process, every participant must complete an online application form and provide a football CV plus a link with a video footage. A member of Admissions Team will reach out via phone or email to discuss the next steps.

    The application will be reviewed by our Admissions Team with input from the Technical and Academic team. Where an offer is made, this will be forwarded to you. You may be asked to attend a trial at a suitable venue, time and date.

    You can read more about our Admission Process here.

  • Only 6 month and 12 month Elite Pro Athletes will require a VISA.

    The IFD Academy will assist you with any visa applications required. Your type of visa will depend on your location, the length of your chosen program and your academic study option.

    Legal Square Global Law based in Lisbon Portugal will manage this process working with IFD and the applicant or appropriate family member.

  • Yes, the price does include your VISA application provided you require no special assistance or abnormal circumstance. If you require special assistance for a visa process that is complex additional fees will apply. These will be communicated in advance.

    Read more about who needs a visa to travel to Portugal here.

  • Yes, we can recommend you to our Partner Optlyon Krea and Legal Square who specialize in this area. Read more Here.

  • Yes, the price includes a special high calorie prepared meal for both lunch and Dinner. Breakfast will be at the athlete’s own discretion.

  • No. Prices do not include flights.

  • For the 1-month program a 50% deposit will be required at application acceptance with the balance due 1 week before arrival.

    For the 3-month program a 25% deposit will be due at application acceptance with the balance due 1 week before arrival.

    For the 6-month program a 25% deposit will be due at application acceptance with a further 25% due 1 week before arrival. The balance will be spilt into 3 monthly payments commencing at the beginning of month 3 through 6.

    For the 12-month program a 25% deposit will be due at application acceptance with a further 25% due 1 week before arrival. The balance will be spilt into 5 monthly payments commencing at the beginning of month 5 through 11.

  • You can always reapply for a second chance but if finally, you don´t get the visa, you will be entitled to a full refund less an admin fee of 500 Euros.

  • Elite Pro and 6mth Program start dates are available in January, April and August.

    Starting dates:

    8th January 2024, 1st April 2024, 5th August 2024.

    New athletes can be accepted during the season on a case-by-case review. Please contact us for further review.

    1- & 3-Month Programs are available all year round.

  • IFD provide a ‘Meet & Greet’ service providing airport arrival/departure transfers to & from your accommodation.

  • Yes, IFD International provides medical insurance cover by Advance Care Portugal.

    You will receive a copy of the policy with your enrollment acceptance documentation.

  • Currently, the IFD does not offer scholarships.

  • If you book a particular date but then are unable to arrive, we will simply move your booking to another date at your convenience. Providing you have notified us in reasonable time there will be no extra cost.

  • Of course, we understand that circumstances can change impacting your ability to meet financial commitments.

    We would ask that you contact us as soon as possible to work through this together.

    In the event a solution cannot be found the student athlete will be required to repatriate at his or her expense.

    IFD is legally required to advise the appropriate Government body that the applicable VISA has been terminated.

  • A 5% late payment fee will apply for any account in excess of 14 days. Accounts that exceed 21 days will incur a 7.5% late payment fee and all training will be suspended until corrected.

  • Yes, it is highly recommended for safety and communication. All of our student athletes must be accessible 24/7.

  • You will need to purchase a phone in Portugal starting as low as 150 Euros to have access to the Portuguese mobile data network.

    You can the buy a prepaid phone and data plan for 10 - 15 Euros per month.

    Your IFD Liaison Manager will assist with this process.

  • Student-athletes can choose to study various University Degrees as shown here.

  • All Student Athletes will be enrolled into Portuguese Language B1 Course. It is very important as part of the player immersion program that our athletes take up Portuguese as part of their Professional development pathway.

  • Yes. English language programs are available.

  • First intake: 1st August 2023

    Second intake: 1st January 2024

    Third intake: 1st April 2024

  • Professional football training delivered by IFT in partnership with the IFD Elite Player Coaching Team.

    Elite competition program, Professional Club placement, FIFA player registration.

    Professional performance monitoring and reports.

    Mental Performance Coach – individualized program specific to the player.

    Nutritionist – individualized program

    On-site professional physical conditioning and preparation.

    Access to high performance athlete gym facilities.

    Access to Physical Therapy and Sports Performance therapists.

    Academic Excellence: Access to various College/University degrees. (Additional fees may apply)

    Football Career Qualifications (Introduction to Football Coaching).

    Medical emergency insurance.

    1st class Student residence facilities.

    High Calorie cooked meals for both lunch and dinner.

  • The IFD coaches are experienced coaches from various backgrounds with Elite Player Development experience. All coaches are vastly experienced in high-performance football, experts in youth development and UEFA/FA licensed with a solid background in the professional world as players or coaches.

  • By enrolling in IFD, you are committing to a world class development program. Our 12-month Elite Pro athletes will be placed in a Professional Football Club where they will continue their development journey both playing and training with said Club.

    However, you are not guaranteed to become a professional football player and we do not make any promises to be signed, placed, or receive a pro contract at the end of your tenure.

    Our guarantee is that each player will become the best they can be. At IFD, we emphasize helping you to develop your career plan as both a player and in life beyond football. Our Academic Excellence program provides access to varying University degrees for your consideration.

  • On successful completion of your application process & commencing the Elite Pro program, you will be placed in a professional club that sits in line with your ability.

    Individual development will be monitored on a weekly basis by both IFD, club team coaches and club scouts. It is possible to be further scouted during your time with IFD who will be contacted with any interest. It is not possible to move during a season once you have signed a 12-month playing contract.

  • Being signed to and playing for a professional club you will be exposed to wider scouting opportunity. Your success is our success, so it is our aim to give you as much exposure as possible! As a rule, any interest from another club will be directed to one of IFD’s Technical Directors. In this instance the Director will discuss with the player and players parent / guardian depending on age.

  • If you are approached by any club, we have a designated, experienced member of staff in place to handle the process smoothly. If you are offered a contract at a club, we will discuss next steps with you and your family / guardian at that time.

  • All players will receive individual training kit upon arrival. Team kit will be provided by the Club upon signing. All players will be expected to bring their own shin pads and boots/cleats.

  • The Footballing Season will be provided upon Club placement. Academic Term dates will be communicated at the beginning of the academic year.

    We accommodate all families, all religions and all emergency or personal leave needs. It is critical you communicate any such instances with us to ensure we can be aware and supportive to the athlete.

  • Players will have access to club trainers and physiotherapists as part of the program. Any more serious injury requiring medical attention will be processed through insurance. One of our IFD Athlete Liaison Managers will assist the athlete with their needs.

  • English and Portuguese are the main languages spoken.

  • Yes. We require everyone (student-athletes, coaches and staff) to sign our Code of Conduct on arrival. We reserve the right to suspend or expel anyone who does not behave or act in accordance with the code of conduct.

  • Yes, we highly recommend family support and visits however we would strongly suggest that this is between seasons or during scheduled breaks. Players are expected to fully commit to the playing season and taking time off during the season does not sit well with the Club. Even in breaks most Pro Clubs will continue to train and IFD will only break at the end of the playing year.

  • The Student Residence is a brand-new facility just 10 minutes from the city center. It is of an exceptional standard with incredible amenities. The campus has a wider a range social amenities, restaurants and coffee shops and library resource facilities.

  • All Residence are high-quality Cluster Single Rooms with private ensuite and cluster shared kitchen. The option for single accommodation is available at a higher cost. We encourage shared accommodation to build friendships and assist in the players adjustment to new surroundings.

  • The city of Porto, Portugal has a huge range of activities and excursions available on weekends. You will also have the opportunity to attend professional games and other professional club fixtures. At the same time, it is important to spend quality time and relax in order to allow recuperation time for your intensive training schedule. Those athletes who are part of the Elite Pro development program will be playing for their Club on most weekends.

  • Our student athletes reside in one of Porto’s finest Student Accommodations located just 10 minutes north of the city center. Our athletes share a self-contained apartment with other IFD athletes we feel are a good personal fit.

  • Yes. A Welfare Officer will be present to monitor and support student-athletes health, security and well- being. All Athletes will also have the direct phone numbers for our Athlete Liaison Managers who take care of all individual IFD needs.

  • Only 2 miles away. Emergency care is very efficient in Portugal, and everyone receives excellent care.

  • EMERGENCY: We call emergency professionals, and they conduct the adequate procedures on the injured person. We will contact the family as soon as the player is on their way to the hospital and communicate effectively with families. We will also provide all the help needed in terms of transportation from the airport to the hospital/Academy to get the families to the injured player as quickly as possible.

    NON-EMERGENCY: We call medical professionals, and they conduct the adequate procedures on the injured person. For further examination, we will drive every participant to the closest hospital for medical tests.

    SICKNESS: THE ACADEMY provides medical care with an MD Doctor consulting on-site or in a city office but also through the medical insurance.

    Student-athletes will be covered for all medical care and emergencies with the IFD International Insurance provider.

  • Yes. Players will have access to an extensive laundry facility at their place of residence.

  • The Academy has a designated welfare officer to discuss any queries you may have. There will be a 24-hour emergency mobile phone number available. IFD Technical Directors are also readily available for any additional support.

  • No, we will require you to take out an individual life insurance, medical emergency and repatriation policy in your Country of Residence.