It’s not about getting a chance, it’s about taking a chance!

Please appreciate that we are limited in the number of new player registrations / placements each season. Many of our athletes are long-term multiyear academy participants who hold tenure.

As such we highly recommend you submit your application as soon as possible to secure your IFD player profile review. We work on a first come first serve basis with a subsequent wait list based on acceptance numbers. In the event a player is not at the required level we will advance a waitlisted player for review.

Interested players can visit our Apply Now enrollment portal and follow the instructions to begin the application process.


Athletes interested in applying for one of our International Football Development programs will need to inquire through the online application platform here.

The link can also be provided by email by sending your expression of interest to

Prospective candidates will be required to fill in the online application form after which additional personal information and detail will be required.


International Football Development (IFD) will contact the player and their family to evaluate the application. This assessment may include an interview with the player via Zoom, with the family and with their coach or soccer club.


International Football Development (IFD) will confirm the outcome of the process to the player and their family within 15 days of the request. If the application is successful, that letter will indicate the deadline for the acceptance of the position and how to make the first payment for the selected IFD program.

Once the first payment has been received, IFD will issue a second letter with the official admission to the program. This letter will indicate the start and end dates of the program the athlete has been admitted into.

Please note your acceptance application will not progress until your initial deposit of €1500 Euros has been made and cleared our bank. We will allow you a 20day grace period to make payment before we open your position to the next candidate should payment not be processed.


International Football Development (IFD) will work with parents and/or guardians on logistics and finer details of the athlete’s program.

Successful applicants will receive their acceptance package outlining everything to expect in the leadup to their program start date as well as documentation on the IFD code of conduct.


IFD work closely with Legal Square Global Law firm based in Lisbon, Portugal.

LSG specialize in Visa Applications and processing and represent all pending IFD Athletes in this area. You will need to do a pre visa review to ensure you meet the requirements before any official application is made. If deemed to be qualified LSG will begin the process which is included in your annual fees.

Should you have a special circumstance that requires greater detail and legal assistance you will be informed. Any additional associated costs will need to be paid by the applicant after discussion with your LSG case manager.


Players participating in the 6- & 12-month programs will be covered by two different medical insurance policies:

  1. Compulsory medical insurance for all in Portugal, which guarantees coverage in the Portuguese Public Health System.

  2. IFD will contract private medical insurance for all participants in the program. The contracted insurance includes an Accident and Civil Liability Insurance Policy with Advance Care.  

Players participating in the 1-month & 3-month programs will require domestic travel insurance from their Country of Residence at your own expense. IFD will require a copy of the policy in advance to ensure the participant is covered.


Along with the letter of admission, IFD will send a form where families will indicate the expected date of arrival and the information about flights or trips, to organize the collection and transfer of the athlete from the airport to the residence.